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Marketing Essentials
You are newly out on your own. Congratulations! Or, perhaps you are planning to make your move, and are looking for a get started list that is not completely overwhelming. Or, you are looking to fill in some big holes to your branding and presence....
5 NEW Marketing Tips: In the Age of “Fake” Communication
"Fake" Communication?!? That's a little harsh, right? Let me explain. With all the get rich quick schemes that are thrown on entrepreneurs these days, I get frustrated with the prevailing idea that to succeed in marketing we need to broadcast information...
Branding: What Do You Value?
This is big, business people! Chances are you picked your profession as a business owner to please a value that you hold dear. My eyes got watery when I heard, Mikel Sagoian of Valor Legal Group talk about how by practicing Family Law she was able to hold individuals...